The Philippine Integrative & Complementary Medicine Academy, Inc. [PICMA]
Is a non-stock and non-profit organization registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It aims to become one of the leading organization for complementary, traditional and alternative medicine practitioners in the country.
PICMA, Inc. is an independent organization that is not tied or affiliated with any governing body. It is a third party and independent accreditation organization that issues certifications and Identification cards to qualified members | practitioners.
Telematics Communication
PICMA, Inc. is an online based organization or it is purely telematics organization. We do not maintain a physical office in order to minimize monthly overhead expenses that will financially drain most neophyte organizations.
Our Board of Directors/Officers are located in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and they’re all homebased and online when the situation calls necessary.
The Membership Services Consultant & Communications Center is 24/7 online to address the concern of members and or facilitation of membership application. It can be reach at 09059222667 and 09751095413.
How Much does it cost to join PICMA?
Full membership is only P1,500 which will cover for your Membership Certificate, Accreditation Card and a Collar Pin. You need to renew every two years in order to maintain the status of your membership.
How long does it take for my membership to be approved?
All applications filed online will instantly be approved provided that all the requirements are uploaded in the system. The system will then automatically email your data to the Membership Services Division where your Membership Certificate, ID Card and Collar pin are prepared for printing and mailing.
What are the benefits of being a PICMA member?
· Internationally Recognised Membership Status
· All your Qualifications Covered under One Membership.
· Membership Certificate
· Membership Accreditation Card [with 2 years expiration]
· Collar Pin
· Access to Discounted Trainings sponsored by the association
· Member Discounts on available Resources such as tarpaulin, brochures, Polo Shirts, etc.
· Free Virtual Office where members can login and upgrade their profile
· Free listings and Advertisement in the PICMA Online Directory renewable every 2 years
Your membership and credentials will help boost your profession and reassurance for the clients.
Is PICMA a PITAHC or DOH Accredited?
PICMA is an independent organization of practitioners and provides accreditation and certification to our own members.
We are a SEC Registered and is not controlled by any governing bodies.
However, we encourage our members especially the practitioners to secure PTAHC accreditation. It is every practitioners responsibility to secure the necessary accreditation and permit when they practice.
Where is PICMA located?
Telematics Communication
PICMA, Inc. is an online based organization or it is purely telematics organization. We do not maintain a physical office in order to minimize monthly overhead expenses that will financially drain most neophyte organizations.
Our Board of Directors/Officers are located in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and they’re all homebased and online when the situation calls necessary.
The Membership Services Consultant & Communications Center is 24/7 online to address the concern of members and or facilitation of membership application. It can be reach at 09059222667 and 09751095413.
What kind of training, qualifications and experience does PICMA recognize?
PICMA recognises over a thousand standard and complementary therapies and modalities. Documentation will be required to recognise membership and we spot-check applicants eligibility with their qualification provider if applicable.
We also recognise that often time spent in on-the-job training is not professionally documented and we welcome applications from those with experience rather than a formal certificate (please indicate this on your resume’ sheet for uploading in the system). We offer membership to a diverse number of traditional and natural therapies.
Can an overseas applicants join PICMA?
Yes, anyone from around the world may join PICMA for as long as they have internet connection.
What do I need to submit in order to be accepted by PICMA?
As a recognised member of our organisation you will need to provide copies of any qualifications along with the IPICMA membership registration form online.
If you are applying on the basis of work experience then please indicate this on your Resume’ Sheet for uploading in the system. We accept your qualifications and experience in good faith and reserve the right to do a spot-check on your qualification and training to confirm your submitted details for membership with PICMA.
What do I need to I am a member of other association. Can I also be a member of PICMA? in order to be accepted by PICMA?
Yes, you are still qualified to apply and become a member of PICMA.
As a current member of PICMA, how do I add new qualifications to my existing membership?
Any new qualifications that you have gained after you have been approved as a PICMA Member, can be added onto your membership. You will also have access to update your profile listing on the directory using your member log in details.
What are the membership level and qualifications?
Who may apply for Level I Membership?
1. Natural Health Practitioners who don’t have proper training but they learned their skills from actual experience like Massage, Reflexology, Hilot-Pilay, Bone Setter, Herbalist, etc. These practitioners are of course have no Training Certificates. Instead of uploading a certificate in the online application, a Resume’ or Bio-data [stating their natural health skills and the number of years] will be uploaded.
2. Students who are presently studying any of the natural health modalities, either online or offline.
Note: A member may used a nominal letters , MPICMA in their name/s.
Example: Juan D. Cruz, MPICMA
Who may apply for Level I Membership?
1. Practitioners who are trained in a TESDA, PITAHC or CHED accredited training institutions [Upload Certificate of Training when applying online]
2. Practitioners who don’t have proper training but have real life experience in any of the natural health modalities for more than five (5) years [ Upload a detailed Resume’ Sheet when applying online]
3. Level—I members who upgraded their skills by availing the PACNTI/PICMA Online Course on NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE MANAGEMENT
Note: A member may used a nominal letters MPICMA in addition to a nominal letters used in their professional designation. Example: Juan D. Cruz, LMT, MPICMA.
Who may apply for Leve-II Membership?
1. All Level II members may upgrade their membership to Level III if they take Seminar-workshops sponsored by the organization or if they take the online program by PACNTI/PICMA on Naturopathic Medicine Management.
2. All Allied Medical health professionals who integrate their practice with any of the natural health modalities.
3. All Degree Holders, & Post-graduates who took up a special training program in any of the natural health modalities
4. All Practitioners not necessarily a degree holder or trained in a training institution but are highly skilled in their specialized natural health modalities with more than ten [10] years of Experience
Professional Designations used in ID Cards
1. The Membership Services Division will evaluate applicants based on the documents submitted . The Membership Committee will decide as to what professional designation is best suited for the applicant.
2. The Applicant may also suggest what Professional Designation he or she would like to appear on their ID Cards but the Membership Services Division has the final decision after the evaluation of papers submitted.
3. Generally, the Membership Services will assigned the following Professional designations:
Complementary Medicine Practitioner | [your practice like Bone Setter [CMP] if the applicant has several training and specializations
Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner [ NMP] if the applicant can show and submit a certify
cate or any proof that he/she undergo a Naturopathy Training program.
Integrative Medicine Practitioner [IMP] may be used when the applicant integrates all nat ural health modalities that he/she has mastered.
-Other Professional Designations: DIM Doctor of Integrative Medicine; ND Doctor of Naturopa thy; NMD Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Doctor of Medicine Family Medicine; Specialist Integrative Medicine;
Sports Medicine and Nutrition;
Medical Specialist II @ ZCMC -From Zamboanga City
Doctor of Chiropractic
Owned & Manage: Freedom from Pain Institute Training Center
Radio Commentator
From Consolacion Cebu
Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner;
Registered Medical Technologist;
Integrative Medicine Practitioner
from Cabuyao, Laguna
Alternative & Holistic Health Practitioner;
Creator of Dr. Decuple Pi Water
From Bacolod City
Doctor of Science in Bio-Sciences;
Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner;
Bloodtype Nutrition & Brain Dominancy Technique;
Research Consultant;
Product Formulator of Bio-Armstrong | & TradSc Botanical Co.;
Founder: Order of Monism
from Cagayan de Oro City
Jimuel B. Desoyo, RNT Marilu B. Palma, RCT
Treasurer Secretary